Continuing Education Classes Physical Therapy Pilates
The Rehabilitation program is specifically for licensed health care professionals wishing to integrate modified STOTT PILATES® exercises for injury prevention and rehabilitation into their practices. Therapists learn a systematic movement based approach to neuromuscular re-education and are taught to observe and understand optimal and non-optimal movement strategies, and how these strategies correlate with pain and pathology. †Neuromotor training principles guide the therapeutic exercise selection and progressions. ‡Participants also learn how to facilitate the patient's cognitive involvement in rehabilitation through cueing techniques and tactile facilitation.
- † (Hodges and Moseley 2003 Richardson et al 1998, Sahrmann 2002)
- ‡ (Richardson et al, 1998; Tsao & Hodges, 2007; Tsao et al, 2010a, Tsao et al, 2010b)
Rehab program choices
- Spinal, Pelvic & Scapular Stabilization: Matwork (RM1)
- Peripheral Joint Stabilization: Matwork (RM2)
- Spinal, Pelvic & Scapular Stabilization: Reformer (RR1)
- Peripheral Joint Stabilization: Reformer (RR2)
- Spinal, Pelvic & Scapular Stabilization: Cadillac, Chair & Barrels (RCCB1)
- Peripheral Joint Stabilization: Cadillac, Chair & Barrels (RCCB2)
General course objectives
- Examine the Therapeutic Foundations of STOTT PILATES and how they integrate with current rehabilitation practices
- Learn how to teach and apply the STOTT PILATES Five Basic Principles
- Explore the choreography, modifications, indications and contraindications for STOTT PILATES rehabilitation exercises for Matwork and Reformer
- Develop the ability to assess proper form for each exercise and how to correct improper execution
- Outline and practice manual and verbal cueing for each exercise
- Consider the integration of STOTT PILATES into clinical scenarios
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to teach the STOTT PILATES method of exercise. Upon passing the exam, they will be recognized as a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor.
See the Rehab program FAQs
Spinal, Pelvic & Scapular Stabilization: Matwork (RM1)
This module introduces you to the biomechanical principles of STOTT PILATES and how they apply to modified Matwork exercises. Light equipment including balls, bands and rollers are used to emphasize lumbo-pelvic and shoulder girdle stabilization and the role they play in rehabilitation and injury prevention. Typically, courses are conducted over 3 days.
What you will learn
- Review of STOTT PILATES basic principles
- Identification of proper execution and movement patterns
- Effective verbal cueing and imagery
- Clinical problem solving using the STOTT PILATES method
- A focus on spinal, pelvic and scapular conditions
- Over 35 exercises plus multiple modifications
- See admission section for details
Requirements of certification
- 18 hours of instruction and supervised teaching
- minimum 6 hours observation
- minimum 10 hours physical review
- minimum 10 hours practice teaching
- Total: 44 hours
Observation, practice teaching and physical review
A minimum number of hours of observation, practice teaching and physical review are required for all courses and should be completed between instructed sessions at any STOTT PILATES facility. Additional training may be required before certification. Practice teaching and physical review hours must be logged outside of class time and submitted at the time of the practical exam. If the student fails to submit all the logs within 7 days from the exam, the entire exam will be void.
Observation hours can be logged during relevant course homework or after a STOTT PILATES course and can be accrued by watching a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor/Instructor Trainer teach clients (in-person or online), as well as observing the relevant course videos on DVD or through Merrithew Connect™. We recommend 50-80% of your hours be completed by watching a Certified Instructor/Instructor Trainer. Please ensure you receive permission from the Merrithew Training Center and/or presenting Instructor well in advance.
Physical review
Physical Review hours means physically performing the exercises learned in class. Physical review of the material is very important to ensure full understanding within your own body first, before attempting to teach someone else. It is also very important to ensure your body is prepared for the increased challenge at each level of repertoire as you move through your STOTT PILATES Instructor Training. Taking a class with a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor/Instructor Trainer or working out with relevant course videos on DVD or through Merrithew Connect can qualify as physical review hours, and can be completed individually or with other students.
Students can participate in an online Pilates session or join an online group Pilates class that teaches STOTT PILATES repertoire with a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor/Instructor Trainer. Students can also attend a Merrithew Online Workshop (offered by Merrithew Training Centers worldwide or the Corporate Training Center).
Practice teaching
Practice Teaching hours can be fulfilled by teaching STOTT PILATES course repertoire to family, fellow students, friends or clients, cueing and correcting them through a workout. Practice Teaching can be done in-person or by using a video conferencing program, such as Skype or Zoom.
Required materials
Education materials
- Manuals (2)
- Comprehensive Matwork Manual
- RMR1 Support Material book* (may have already purchased from RR1)
- DVD (1)
- Back Care Repertoire (Back Care Level 1, Be Kind to Your Spine, Back Care Level 2, Pain Free Posture and Back Care Level 3, Standing Tall)
Equipment required (provided by the facility)
- Mat component
- 1 per student: Mat; Flex-Band® exerciser; Fitness Circle® resistance ring; Mini Stability Ball™(Orange/Large and Green/Medium are preferred but Blue/Small can be used); Foam Cushions A, B & C;
- 1 per 2 students: Arc Barrel or BOSU* Balance Trainer; Foam Roller™; Stability Ball™; Eco-Friendly Pilates Pad; Gripper Mat; 2 Rotational Disks
Note, small equipment in Mat component is also used in the Reformer component
Peripheral Joint Stabilization: Matwork (RM2)
Building on the biomechanical and stabilization principles learned in RM1, this module will teach you exercises that are designed to prevent and rehabilitate common injuries by balancing and strengthening muscles around the joints in order to restore and maintain healthy movement patterns. Emphasis on core stability while mobilizing the peripheral joints. Typically courses are conducted over 3 days.
What you will learn
- Review of STOTT PILATES basic principles
- Identifying proper execution and movement patterns
- Effective verbal cueing and imagery
- Clinical problem solving using the STOTT PILATES method
- Application to injuries of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle
- Over 25 exercises plus multiple modifications
- RMR1 or RM1
Requirements of certification
- 18 hours of instruction and supervised teaching
- minimum 6 hours observation
- minimum 10 hours physical review
- minimum 10 hours practice teaching
- Total: 44 hours
Observation, practice teaching and physical review
A minimum number of hours of observation, practice teaching and physical review are required for all courses and should be completed between instructed sessions at any STOTT PILATES facility. Additional training may be required before certification. Practice teaching and physical review hours must be logged outside of class time and submitted at the time of the practical exam. If the student fails to submit all the logs within 7 days from the exam, the entire exam will be void.
Observation hours can be logged during relevant course homework or after a STOTT PILATES course and can be accrued by watching a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor/Instructor Trainer teach clients (in-person or online), as well as observing the relevant course videos on DVD or through Merrithew Connect™. We recommend 50-80% of your hours be completed by watching a Certified Instructor/Instructor Trainer. Please ensure you receive permission from the Merrithew Training Center and/or presenting Instructor well in advance.
Physical review
Physical Review hours means physically performing the exercises learned in class. Physical review of the material is very important to ensure full understanding within your own body first, before attempting to teach someone else. It is also very important to ensure your body is prepared for the increased challenge at each level of repertoire as you move through your STOTT PILATES Instructor Training. Taking a class with a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor/Instructor Trainer or working out with relevant course videos on DVD or through Merrithew Connect can qualify as physical review hours, and can be completed individually or with other students.
Students can participate in an online Pilates session or join an online group Pilates class that teaches STOTT PILATES repertoire with a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor/Instructor Trainer. Students can also attend a Merrithew Online Workshop (offered by Merrithew Training Centers worldwide or the Corporate Training Center).
Practice teaching
Practice Teaching hours can be fulfilled by teaching STOTT PILATES course repertoire to family, fellow students, friends or clients, cueing and correcting them through a workout. Practice Teaching can be done in-person or by using a video conferencing program, such as Skype or Zoom.
Required materials
Education material
Manuals (2):
- RMR2 Support Material Book
- Comprehensive Matwork Manual
Equipment required (provided by the facility)
Mat component:
1 per Student: Mat; Flex-Band® exerciser; Fitness Circle® resistance ring; Mini Stability Ball™ (Orange/Large and Green/Medium are preferred but Blue/Small can be used); Foam Roller™; Stability Ball™; 2 Toning Balls™; Foam Cushions A, B & C;
1 per 2 Students: Arc Barrel or BOSU* Balance Trainer; Eco-Friendly Pilates Pad, Gripper Mat; 2 Stability Cushions
Note: small equipment in Mat component is also used in the Reformer component
Spinal, Pelvic & Scapular Stabilization: Reformer (RR1)
This module serves as an introduction to the biomechanical principles of STOTT PILATES and their application to modified exercises on the Reformer. Focus is on lumbo-pelvic and shoulder girdle stabilization and the role they play in rehabilitation and injury prevention. Typically, courses are conducted over 3 days.
What you will learn
- Review of STOTT PILATES basic principles
- Identifying proper execution and movement patterns
- Effective verbal cueing and imagery
- Clinical problem solving using the STOTT PILATES method
- A focus on spinal, pelvic and scapular conditions
- Over 60 Reformer exercises plus multiple modifications
- See admission section for more details
Requirements of certification
- 18 hours of instruction and supervised teaching
- minimum 6 hours observation
- minimum 10 hours physical review
- minimum 10 hours practice teaching
- Total: 44 hours
Observation, practice teaching and physical review
A minimum number of hours of observation, practice teaching and physical review are required for all courses and should be completed between instructed sessions at any STOTT PILATES facility. Additional training may be required before certification. Practice teaching and physical review hours must be logged outside of class time and submitted at the time of the practical exam. If the student fails to submit all the logs within 7 days from the exam, the entire exam will be void.
Observation hours can be logged during relevant course homework or after a STOTT PILATES course and can be accrued by watching a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor/Instructor Trainer teach clients (in-person or online), as well as observing the relevant course videos on DVD or through Merrithew Connect™. We recommend 50-80% of your hours be completed by watching a Certified Instructor/Instructor Trainer. Please ensure you receive permission from the Merrithew Training Center and/or presenting Instructor well in advance.
Physical review
Physical Review hours means physically performing the exercises learned in class. Physical review of the material is very important to ensure full understanding within your own body first, before attempting to teach someone else. It is also very important to ensure your body is prepared for the increased challenge at each level of repertoire as you move through your STOTT PILATES Instructor Training. Taking a class with a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor/Instructor Trainer or working out with relevant course videos on DVD or through Merrithew Connect can qualify as physical review hours, and can be completed individually or with other students.
Students can participate in an online Pilates session or join an online group Pilates class that teaches STOTT PILATES repertoire with a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor/Instructor Trainer. Students can also attend a Merrithew Online Workshop (offered by Merrithew Training Centers worldwide or the Corporate Training Center).
Practice teaching
Practice Teaching hours can be fulfilled by teaching STOTT PILATES course repertoire to family, fellow students, friends or clients, cueing and correcting them through a workout. Practice Teaching can be done in-person or by using a video conferencing program, such as Skype or Zoom.
Required materials
Education material
Manuals (2):
- Essential Reformer 2nd Ed
- RMR 1 Support Material (may have already purchased from RM1)
DVD (1):
- Spinal, Pelvic & Scapular Stabilization with Reformer & Vertical Frame
Equipment required (provided by the facility)
Reformer component:
1 each: Laptop Computer; Projector; Screen
1 per 2 Students: Reformer with V2 Max Plus™; Vertical Frame (Professional or Rehab) including 1-25% , 1-50% and 3-100% springs)
1 per Reformer: Reformer Box; Foam-Grip Handles (included with V2 Max Plus™; Reformer and only needed if there is a vertical frame on Reformer); 1 pair of Extension Straps (included with V2 Max Plus™; Reformer and only needed if there is a vertical frame on Reformer); Jumpboard; Padded Platform Extender; Maple Pole; Rotational Disk; 1 pair of Toning Balls; Flex-Band; Fitness Circle; Foam Cushions A, B & C;
Peripheral Joint Stabilization: Reformer (RR2)
This module begins with a review of the biomechanical and stabilization principles learned in RR1, this module demonstrates exercises designed to rehabilitate and prevent common injuries by balancing and strengthening muscles around the joints. Emphasis is on core stability and peripheral joint mobility to restore and maintain healthy movement patterns. Typically, courses are conducted over 3 days.
What you will learn
- Review of STOTT PILATES basic principles
- Identifying proper execution and movement patterns
- Effective verbal cueing and imagery
- Clinical problem solving using the STOTT PILATES method
- A focus on injuries of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle
- Over 35 exercises plus multiple modifications
- RMR 1 or RR1
Requirements of certification
- 18 hours of instruction and supervised teaching
- minimum of 6 hours of observation
- minimum of 10 hours of physical review
- minimum of 10 hours of practice teaching
- Total: 44 hours
Observation, practice teaching and physical review
A minimum number of hours of observation, practice teaching and physical review are required for all courses and should be completed between instructed sessions at any STOTT PILATES facility. Additional training may be required before certification. Practice teaching and physical review hours must be logged outside of class time and submitted at the time of the practical exam. If the student fails to submit all the logs within 7 days from the exam, the entire exam will be void.
Observation hours can be logged during relevant course homework or after a STOTT PILATES course and can be accrued by watching a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor/Instructor Trainer teach clients (in-person or online), as well as observing the relevant course videos on DVD or through Merrithew Connect™. We recommend 50-80% of your hours be completed by watching a Certified Instructor/Instructor Trainer. Please ensure you receive permission from the Merrithew Training Center and/or presenting Instructor well in advance.
Physical review
Physical Review hours means physically performing the exercises learned in class. Physical review of the material is very important to ensure full understanding within your own body first, before attempting to teach someone else. It is also very important to ensure your body is prepared for the increased challenge at each level of repertoire as you move through your STOTT PILATES Instructor Training. Taking a class with a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor/Instructor Trainer or working out with relevant course videos on DVD or through Merrithew Connect can qualify as physical review hours, and can be completed individually or with other students.
Students can participate in an online Pilates session or join an online group Pilates class that teaches STOTT PILATES repertoire with a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor/Instructor Trainer. Students can also attend a Merrithew Online Workshop (offered by Merrithew Training Centers worldwide or the Corporate Training Center).
Practice teaching
Practice Teaching hours can be fulfilled by teaching STOTT PILATES course repertoire to family, fellow students, friends or clients, cueing and correcting them through a workout. Practice Teaching can be done in-person or by using a video conferencing program, such as Skype or Zoom.
Required materials
Education material
Manuals (2):
- RMR2 Support Material Book*
- Essential reformer manual
DVDs (1):
- Peripheral Joint Stabilization with Reformer & Vertical Frame
Equipment required (provided by the facility)
Reformer component:
1 per 2 Students: Reformer with V2 Max Plus™; Vertical Frame (Professional or Rehab) including 1-25%, 1-50% and 3-100% springs)
1 per Reformer: Reformer Box; Foam-Grip Handles (included with V2 Max Plus™; Reformer and only needed if there is a vertical frame on Reformer); 1 pair of Extension Straps (included with V2 Max Plus™; Reformer and only needed if there is a vertical frame on Reformer); Long Spine Straps; Jumpboard or Cardio-Tramp; Rotational Diskboard; Padded Platform Extender; Maple Pole; Rotational Disk; 1 pair of Toning Balls; Flex-Band; Fitness Circle; 1 pair of Stability Cushions; Foam Cushions A, B & C;
Spinal, Pelvic & Scapular Stabilization: Cadillac, Chair & Barrels (RCCB1)
This course will teach you how to incorporate the different levels of resistance and support provided by the Cadillac Trapeze Table, Stability Chair and Barrels to improve mobilization and stabilization of the lumbo-pelvic region and shoulder girdle, with an emphasis on their roles in injury prevention and rehabilitation. Typically courses are conducted over 4 days.
What you will learn
- Review of STOTT PILATES basic principles
- Identifying proper execution and movement patterns
- Effective verbal cueing and imagery
- Clinical problem solving using the STOTT PILATES method
- A focus on spinal, pelvic and scapular conditions
- Over 70 exercises plus multiple modifications
- RMR1 or RM1 + RR1
Requirements of certification
- 24 hours of instruction and supervised teaching
- minimum 10 hours observation
- minimum 15 hours physical review
- minimum 10 hours practice teaching
- Total: 59 hours
Observation, practice teaching and physical review
A minimum number of hours of observation, practice teaching and physical review are required for all courses and should be completed between instructed sessions at any STOTT PILATES facility. Additional training may be required before certification. Practice teaching and physical review hours must be logged outside of class time and submitted at the time of the practical exam. If the student fails to submit all the logs within 7 days from the exam, the entire exam will be void.
Includes watching sessions taught by a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor or relevant STOTT PILATES videos.
Physical review
Means physically performing the exercises learned in class. Taking a class with a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor or working out with video can qualify as physical review hours, and can be completed individually or with other students.
Practice teaching
Hours can be fulfilled by instructing family, fellow students, friends or clients.
Required materials
Education material
- Rehab Cadillac, Chair & Barrel, Module 1 Course Package
Manuals (6):
- RCCB1 Support Material Book*
- Essential Cadillac Manual, 2nd Ed.
- Complete Stability Chair Manual
- Complete Arc Barrel Manual
- Complete Spine Corrector Manual
- Complete Ladder Barrel Manual
DVDs (1):
- Spinal, Pelvic & Scapular Stabilization on Equipment
Additional languages:
A number of required resources are available in languages other than English. Please click here for more information.
Optional resources:
- Intermediate/Advanced Cadillac Manual
- Essential Cadillac, 2nd Ed.
- Intermediate Cadillac, 2nd Ed.
- Essential & Intermediate Stability Chair, 2nd Ed.
- Split-Pedal Stability Chair
- Complete Barrel Repertoire
- V2 Max Plus Programming
* This item can only be purchased by calling the training center where you are taking the course.
Equipment required (provided by the facility)
1 per 6 Students: Cadillac or Rehab V2 Max Plus™; Reformer Vertical Frame* and Mat Converter*; 1 pair of Extension Straps; Ladder Barrel; 1 pair of Rotational Disks (10" or 12"); Maple Pole;
1 per 3 Students: Split-Pedal Stability Chair™; Eco-Friendly Pilates Pad; Foam Cushions A & C; Arc Barrel; Spine Corrector; Mini Stability Ball™ (Orange/Large and Green/Medium are preferred but Blue/Small can be used); Padded Platform Extender; Reformer Box; 1 pair of Toning Balls™;
1 per Student:Mat; Flex-Band® exerciser
* Some of the repertoire will not be covered if this equipment is used.
Peripheral Joint Stabilization: Cadillac, Chair & Barrels (RCCB2)
Building on your knowledge from RCCB1, This course will teach you how to stabilize the musculo-skeletal structures with a widely varied series of non weight-bearing and weight-bearing exercises on the Cadillac Trapeze Table, Stability Chair and Barrels. You will begin by targeting the upper and lower extremities and enabling isolation of the joints while maintaining core stability. Then learn how to help patients and clients progress to weight-bearing exercises in order to improve functional alignment and core stability. This course introduces more intermediate level exercises and return to sport and activity progressions.
What you will learn
- Review of STOTT PILATES basic principles
- Identifying proper execution and movement patterns
- Effective verbal cueing and imagery
- Clinical problem solving using the STOTT PILATES method
- A focus on injuries of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle
- Over 70 exercises plus multiple modifications
Requirements of certification
- 18 hours of instruction and supervised teaching
- minimum 10 hours observation
- minimum 10 hours physical review
- minimum 10 hours practice teaching
- Total: 48 hours
Observation, practice teaching and physical review
A minimum number of hours of observation, practice teaching and physical review are required for all courses and should be completed between instructed sessions at any STOTT PILATES facility. Additional training may be required before certification. Practice teaching and physical review hours must be logged outside of class time and submitted at the time of the practical exam. If the student fails to submit all the logs within 7 days from the exam, the entire exam will be void.
Includes watching sessions taught by a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor or relevant STOTT PILATES videos.
Physical review
Means physically performing the exercises learned in class. Taking a class with a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor or working out with video can qualify as physical review hours, and can be completed individually or with other students.
Practice teaching
Hours can be fulfilled by instructing family, fellow students, friends or clients.
Required materials
Education material
- Rehab Cadillac, Chair & Barrel, Module 2 Course Package (DV80350)
Manuals (1):
- RCCB2 Support Material Book*
DVDs (1):
- Peripheral Joint Stabilization on Equipment
Additional languages:
A number of required resources are available in languages other than English. Please click here for more information.
Optional resources:
- Intermediate/Advanced Cadillac Manual
- Essential Cadillac, 2nd Ed.
- Intermediate Cadillac, 2nd Ed.
- Essential & Intermediate Stability Chair, 2nd Ed.
- Split-Pedal Stability Chair
- Complete Barrel Repertoire
- V2 Max Plus Programming
* This item can only be purchased by calling the training center where you are taking the course.
Equipment required (provided by the facility)
1 BOSU* balance trainer for demonstration:
1 per 6 Students: Cadillac or Rehab V2 Max Plus™; Reformer Vertical Frame* and Mat Converter; 1 pair of Extension Straps; Ladder Barrel; 1 pair of Rotational Disks (10" or 12"); Maple Pole;
1 per 3 Students: Split-Pedal Stability Chair™; Eco-Friendly Pilates Pad; Foam Cushions A & C; Arc Barrel; Spine Corrector; Mini Stability Ball™ (Orange/Large and Green/Medium are preferred but Blue/Small can be used); Padded Platform Extender; Reformer Box
1 per Student: Mat; Flex-Band® Exerciser; 1 pair of Toning Balls™;
* Some of the repertoire will not be covered if this equipment is used.
Applications are accepted from the following licensed or certified professionals only
- Occupational Therapists
- Physiotherapists/Physical Therapists
- Final-year health professional student
- Chiropractors
- Osteopaths
- Medical or Sports Medicine Doctors
- Registered Nurse
- PTA and OTA Assistants
- Registered Massage Therapist
- Professionals with minimum of two years of full-time study from a certifying/licensing/degree granting institution in anatomy, physiology, injury prevention, exercise prescription with clinical experience, who have been granted the right to assess, diagnose, treat and prescribe exercise for the rehabilitation and/or prevention of injuries
Note, biomechanics, anatomy, movement impairment and diagnosis is assumed knowledge; thus, technical language will be used in the course.
Download application form (PDF)
See Rehab exam FAQs
See reference price lists below from our Toronto Corporate Training Center for courses, exams and materials.
- Prices listed are for the Toronto Corporate Training Center and are provided as a reference. Prices will vary depending on region and location. Contact individual training centers for up-to-date pricing information and to inquire about any packages or discounts that may be available
- Purchase your course materials as course packages and save up to 30%
Policies and procedures
See general policies and procedures. Refer to the specific course and facility policies when registering for instructor training.
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